How to Show Your Ex That You Have Changed

4 min readApr 22, 2021


The worst has happened. You had a breakup with your partner. Whether or not it was mutual, you want them back in your life. Worry not; there are ways you can show your ex you have changed for the better — make them come running back to you, a better and more sincere you. Here is a guide on how to show your ex that you have changed.

5 Steps to Show Your Ex That You Have Changed

Before you win back the love of your life, keep a couple of things in mind. Be prepared for anything and be honest with yourself. Sincerity shines through like a falling star in a dark sky.

Assure yourself that everything will be alright, and you can get them back in your life. In case it does not work out, at least, you tried. It will hurt for a few weeks, but it should be fine.

Let us not get ahead of ourselves, though. Here’s what you have to do:

1. Do a Relation Analysis — Why Did You Two Break Up in the First Place?

The first way to start showing your ex that you have changed is not to even show it in the first place. Take a step and think about what and where it went wrong. Does anything stick out in particular?

Was anyone especially at fault? What might have been the problem? Breakups happen for a reason. If you are not ready to address the issues that lead to the situation in the first place, it might be hard to swallow this pill, but you will break up again.

So, maybe take some time to think long and hard about what went wrong and what could have been done differently. Be honest with yourself. If you genuinely feel like it was you who was in the wrong, accept that.

2. Follow the “No Contact” Rule

You should want to achieve two things with this whole journey: you should want to get your ex back and have them see you have changed, and you should also recover personally.

Become a better version of yourself. Even if your ex does take you back, if you go back to them in the damaged state you are in, it is going to be a recipe for disaster. Try to rediscover yourself — be the person that made them fall in love with you in the first place.

Plus, not being in constant with your ex increases their attraction towards you. In other words, it makes your ex miss you more.

Do it the right way. Not contacting does not, by any means, imply that you need to wait by your phone for your ex to call. Live your life. Enjoy yourself.

3. Social Media the Right Way

Oh, the wonders of social media! A powerful tool that can also be a slow poison. If you play your cards right, social media can perhaps be one of the perfect ways to get your ex back. If we had to give you one tip on how to show your ex that you have changed, it would be this one.

Remember the old saying, actions speak louder than words? That is in full effect when you have social media. Assuming you are still following each other on social media, use the platform to show that you have truly changed.

By now, after your long hard look at yourself and the relationship, you should have an idea about what she wanted to change. You can post a version of “you” with those changes on social media.

Go at it! Did they want you to get a job? Get a job, and post it on social media. Maybe they thought that you were too emotionally unavailable. Leverage social media to show them that you are now taking this seriously and are changing for the better.

4. In-Person Interactions

This one might be a bit tough, but hang in there! If you happen to run into your ex and haven’t convinced them you have changed yet, try to play it as cool as possible.

Maintain a polite demeanor — say ‘hi’ if they seem like they will reciprocate. The goal here is to show them that you’re not bothered by the fact that you’re broken up; you are doing fine and are happy.

It is important to play your cards right here. There is a fine balance to maintain. Do not completely brush them off. Do not throw yourself at them either, of course.

5. Things Might Not Always Go as Expected

Lastly, we want to leave you with this advice: relationships won’t always go the way you expected. More often than not, your expectations are what may bring in a lot of misery.

We are definitely by no means saying that you should expect the worst — frankly, that is a horrible way to live life. Instead, think of it this way: you are going to do it all — the best way that you can — and if it works out, it works out.

Mutual feelings in a relationship are something you want to strive for. Look at what you want out of the relationship and how, if at all, it is aligned with that of your ex. If there is a discrepancy there, maybe you need to work on that first and foremost.


There you have it! If you want to show your ex that you have changed, these outlined steps are some of the best ways to go about it. Remember: actions speak louder than words, and being on the same wavelength as your partner is important. Nevertheless, these steps should enable you to get the point across loud and clear — that you have changed for the better.



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